CAUPROTECT joins UJI, Sergio García Foundation and Escuela El Cau Association to develop a non-invasive head protector

CAUPROTECT joins UJI, Sergio García Foundation and Escuela El Cau Association to develop a non-invasive head protector
6 June, 2019 cauprotect

Representatives of the three entities participating in the act at La Coma. Author: Damián Llorens.

The collaboration agreement to develop the research project was presented publicly signed by the representatives of the three entities: José Vicente García, professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI); Sergio García, president of the Sergio García Foundation; and Juan Rodríguez, president of the Escuela El Cau Association. The event took place at the golf course in La Coma (Borriol).

CAUPROTECT aims to dignify and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities through the conception, development and design of a non-invasive and reusable cranial protector that protects them from the risk of suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to falls resulting from their instability or epileptic crisis.

Although this research project focuses on people with a need for widespread support, the development of the device will benefit anyone with a high risk of suffering a TBI, whether elderly people, children, athletes, etc.

Previously, the rector of the UJI, Eva Alcón, the vice president of the Sergio García Foundation, Víctor García, and the president of the Escuela El Cau Association, Juan Rodríguez, met to seal the contents of the covenant and the development of the investigation.

UJI will be in charge of developing the research project with a multidisciplinary team from the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Construction, and Engineering of Industrial Systems and Design, under the technical coordination of Professor José Vicente García.

Concerning Sergio García Foundation, which promotes the social integration of economically disadvantaged children and young people or those in need due to lack of adequate resources, will contribute 25,000 euros to the CAUPROTECT project.

Meanwhile, Escuela El Cau Association, which aims to improve the quality of life of people with autism and their families which has a center for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), will collaborate with the UJI in the project and will allow the researchers to access the members of the center for the correct development of the project.

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